Treatment under modern general anesthesia is much more safer than a treatment with a simple injection anesthesia, because the medicamentation dose and the patient health status are always monitored by professional anesthesiologist team (best in Latvia) in the real time.
We use the uniqe methodes of dental treatments for deciduous teeth:
- deciduous teeth root canal treatment
- deciduous front teeth restoration
- space maintainer placement if tooth was lost
- metal crowns and individual ceramic crowns placement
- deciduous front teeth prosthetics
We struggle to safe every possible child’s tooth unlike many others dental surgeries, because we realize all the possible consequences:
- incorrect jaws growth
- the malocclusion
- speech development problems
- psychological problems
1. Age up to 3 years.
Given the early age, many children can not sit still in the chair while being treated, therefore it is difficult to establish a psychological contact with the child and give an effective treatment.
2. Large amount of damaged teeth.
Even children with positive attitude towards the dentist can run out of patience while they're being treated.
Often after the first successful visits, the positive attitude disappears and the child can refuse treatment.
3. Children with special needs.
Children with special needs or allergic reactions to traditional anesthesia or with neurological diseases.
4. Child's fear of treatment leading to a panics attack.
The most common source of fear in a child appears after a prior negative treatment experience.
Worst case scenario is to hold the child in the chair against his own will and do the treatment, which our team will not do.
Usually, negative memories like these can stick with the child forever. There are known cases when children can start to develop a stutter because of "treatments" like these.
We are against violent treatments, such as described above.
Of course, our doctors will always try to establish positive connection with the child, therefore we have our special "Zobu fejas" school running in our clinic.
But there are cases when we simply can not deal without the presence of anesthesia.
To schedule time, date and treatment under general anesthesia you will need a consultation with an anesthetist and dentist who will examine the child.
The consultation is very important not only for the child, but their parents, since it is possible to get very important answers about anesthesia and the planned treatment from certified professionals.
What you need to take to the consultation:
1. Child's blood test, that have been taken no later than 14 days prior the consultation.
2. An allowance from family doctor.
3. Foreign patients can have their consultation on the same day of general anesthesia, but in this case all information must be discussed electronically, in advance. The anesthesiologist will call you for more information!
4. OPG (Can be done in our clinic). You will receive all referrals to the tests during the consultation.
5. Please download and fill in the Appointment form
6. Please send to us e-mail with attached form, few photos of upper and lower jaws and x-rays (if you have them).
Thank you in advance!
Our representative will contact you a soon as possible.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by phone +37122304047; e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
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The price for anesthetics is €€ 220. Every next hour is €€ 120.